Runner Interference on Foul Ball?

With no outs and a runner on third base (R3), on a 1-1 count, the batter (B1) hits high foul pop-up about 15 feet in foul territory, near third base. As the third baseman runs to catch the foul pop-up, he accidentally collides with R3 (who is in foul territory near third base and attempting to avoid the third baseman and the foul pop-up). The third baseman recovers from the collision, dives, but cannot catch the foul pop up. Which actions below should the umpire take:
A. Since this foul pop-up was easily catchable, the batter is out for R3's interference
B. R3 is out for his interference
C. Keep B1 at bat but add a strike to the count since the ball fell untouched in foul territory
D. If B1 had 2 strikes before this play, add a strike and declare the batter out.
E. Since R3's interference was not intentional,  there is no penalty -- R3 returns to third base and this is a foul ball
A runner is out when hinders a fielder's attempt to field a batted ball (8-4-2g).
In the play below, R3 is out. Since the batter put the ball in play, but it landed foul, a strike is added to the batter's count (NF Casebook plays 8.4.2B and 8.4.2X).